March Sponsor – Noble & Lee

Elusive Joker
Its back on Fridays only $1.00 per ticket. Tickets will only be sold on Friday nights from 5.30 pm and will be drawn between 7pm – 7.30pm.

Nominations for 2017 Committee
Are now open and close 5pm on Friday 10th March. Please give serious thought as to who you would like to stand for Committee and ensure a nomination form is filled in.

Will be held in the Clubrooms at 3pm on Saturday 25th March 2017.

RNZRSA Bowling Tournament
Bistro will be open every night from Monday 13th to Friday 17th. Barton Brothers will be playing Monday night and Mike McKinley on Tuesday night.

Sunday Roast
Next Roast will be back to normal on 30th April at 6.00pm.

Remember that you must have your membership card on you at all times while in the clubrooms and that all visitors (this includes partners) must be signed in.

Sky Sport: March on Sky
• Blackcaps
• Rugby

Remember that you must have your membership card on you at all times while in the clubrooms and that all visitors (this includes partners) must be signed in.

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