• 2 Nov – Twilight Bowls starts – 6pm – every Monday in November. Come and
    support those playing! Sausage sizzle available.
  • 3 Nov – Melbourne Cup& Sweepstakes – 3pm
  • 6 Nov – RSA vs New World 8-ball – 7.30pm
  • 7 Nov – Widows & Veterans luncheon – 12noon
  • 11 Nov – Armistice Day – Te Aroha – 11am. Names on list at the bar if you require transport.
  • 15 Nov – Country Music Club – 1.30pm
  • 22 Nov – Last Roast of the Year! 6pm – BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL
  • 25 Nov – Last Housie of the Year!
  • 29 Nov – Kids’ Christmas Party – Club opens 11am – REGISTRATION ESSENTIAL


  • Rock ‘n RollStrut your stuff or learn a few new moves. All ages and levels welcome. Every MONDAY night. Be here by 6.30 for a 6.45pm start. $2 per person.
  • Indoor BowlsSocial games for fun and companionship. All levels welcome. 1pm start every MONDAY. Tea, coffee, biscuits available for a gold coin donation.
  • 500 ClubCard shark? Beginner? All welcome. Every TUESDAY at 1pm. Tea, coffee, biscuits available for a gold coin donation.
  • Housie  Play starts at 6.30pm sharp every WEDNESDAY (except 1st Wed of the month!)
  • Darts – Fridays 7.30pm …. Don’t miss the fun!
  • Killer Pool –  Every SUNDAY. Names in by 3:45pm. Play starts at 4:00pm. $5 per person. Winner takes all.
  • Elusive Joker –  Every FRIDAY. Sales from 5pm – drawn just after 7pm. $1 a ticket. You must be over 18 and present to win!

RAFFLESRaffle tickets on sale from 3pm daily at the bar. Draws take place from 6.30pm.

  • Tuesday – hot roast chickens + vouchers; Lucky Number Draw (fortnightly)
  • Thursday – Meat packs; Club Membership Draw after raffles (you must be present to win!)
  • Friday – Meat packs

MEMBERSHIP CARDS Members MUST carry their RSA Membership cards on them at all times whilst on the premises. This is a legal requirement. If you win the Membership Draw and cannot produce your card, you will NOT be able to claim the winnings! Please bear in mind that we can be liable for a fine of up to $20,000 if you are found not carrying your cards by an inspector! Forgotten your card? Sign the Visitor Book please!

SUGGESTIONS – This is YOUR CLUB. If you have suggestions on events, menus etc, pop your suggestions into the office in writing or send an email – we can’t action or discuss verbal requests!

TAP BEERS Export Gold is now on special pricing while stocks last. Watch for our TIGER BEER promotion in the next week or so!

CHEQUESBy July 2021, cheques will be a thing of the past. Are you ready to move ahead with alternative payment means?

Sponsor for the Thursday night Members’ Draw for NOVEMBER is:

T: 888 8625


Kindly supplied by Baigent Motors Matamata

The van runs Thursdays, Fridays and Sundays as well as by arrangement for functions or large groups. Please call the bar to book.


An elderly woman had just returned to her home from an evening at church service when she was startled by an intruder. As she caught the man in the act of robbing her home of its valuables, she yelled, “STOP! ACTS 2:38!” (Repent and be baptized, in the name of the lord, so that your sins may be forgiven.)
The burglar stopped in his tracks. The woman calmly called the police and explained what she had done.As the officer cuffed the man to take him in, he asked the burglar, “Why did you just stand there? All the old lady did was yell scripture at you.”
“SCRIPTURE?!” replied the burglar, “She said she had an AXE and TWO 38’s!

NOVEMBER BIRTHDAYS …. Remember to enjoy your free birthday drink by asking the bar staff!

FJ Clark                       TJ Chiplin                    B Child             JA Couch                      RS Condor

K Fletcher                    R Blackwell                 C Forbes          PW Frederick               DC Frew

W Gunderson              C Hunwick                   RL Jeffrey        AK Kete                        EG Lawrence

R Lowe                        JM Malligan                 DN Mackay      P Neilands                   GM Pope

B Reid                          GJ Stitchbury               IE Taylor          FE Tunmore                 FE Waterson

S Walter                        EB Williams                 I Dunseath       SA Brown                    JB Duncan

AF Walker                    SW Anderson               J Dunweg         D Hami                       C McGrath

AW Johns                    P Hornblow                  A Grason         T Grason                      R Macaree

C Piens                        LA Fordham                 C Bennett        DM Taylor                    MD Gooch

PB Reeve                     B Hillman                    AC Smith          M White                      J Ring

J Faulls                         M Kilgour                     S Potter            L Baldwin                    MC Haumu

T French                      J Winikerei                  M Cuplin


See you at the Club!


Congrats to all those who took the time to dress up, decorate their tables and participate in our biggest ever trivia night to date. It was a full house, resulting in loads of merriment, tons of laughter and some damn good fun for all.

Huge thanks to Gary for the immense amount of research he puts into all the questions and time involved in sorting the music clips together! Thanks also to the scorers, Sue & Wendy, who keep everyone on track after each round.

Congrats to the trivia winners – The Gooligans – Viv, Kevin, Debbie, Martin & Gayle.

The best dressed couple went to Maureen & Dennis Greaves, with Debbie & Martin Davies a close second.

Best effort overall went to the New World team of Pot Stirrers, who even had a crystal ball on their table – not that it appeared to help much with the answers J

Best solo effort for dress went to Katrina.

The Club looked great, the staff looked the part and you all did a magnificent job.

Here’s to the next one we host in 2021 … I believe around Valentine’s Day!

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