April Sponsor – Centigrade

Friday 7th
RSA vs New World 8 Ball Competition (TBC)

Thursday 13th
Easter Raffle Drawn

Friday 14th
CLOSED for Good Friday

Friday 21st
Poppy Day Appeal
(please add your name to the list on the bar if you are able to give an hour of your time)

Sunday 23rd
Cemetery Working Bee
(please contact Peter Love if you are able to assist)

Tuesday 25th
ANZAC Day – Dawn Service will be held at the RSA. Form up approx. 5.45am.

Elusive Joker
Tickets will only be sold on Friday nights ($1.00 each) from 5.30 pm and will be drawn between 7pm – 7.30pm.

Sunday Roast
30th April at 6.00pm. Bookings by 27th April.

Remember that you must have your membership card on you at all times while in the clubrooms and that all visitors (this includes partners) must be signed in.

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