August Sponsor – Electrico Ltd


Friday 11th

Karaoke – Starting 7.30pm


Monday 14th

Spuds & buckets available for pick up.  Names on list at bar prior to this date please.


Friday 18th

Mash & Dash Night – Bangers & Mash @ 7pm (for catering purposes please purchase tickets from bar) and horseracing commencing 7.30pm


Saturday 19th

Strategic Planning workshop . All members are invited to contribute your ideas now and come to a workshop at 12.30pm.  Lunch will be provided and the workshop will start at 1.00pm.


Friday 25th

Entertainment with Che Orton at 7.30pm.

New World vs RSA 8 ball after the Elusive Joker


Saturday 26th

 All Blacks vs Australia at 7.30pm. Nibbles provided at half time.



Sunday 3rd SEPTEMBER

Sunday Roast at 6.00 pm to celebrate Father’s Day. Bring your Dad, Grandad, Pop along and enjoy a great family get together. Bookings essential by Thursday 31st August.


Elusive Joker

Tickets will only be sold on Friday nights ($1.00 each) from 5.30pm and will be drawn between 7:00pm-7.30pm.




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