January Sponsor – Fairview Motors


January Diary Dates


Sunday 20th – Club closed for a Committee and Staff Function

Monday 28th – Auckland Anniversary Day the Club will open at 11.00 am with a BBQ Lunch provided at 12.30 pm. Everyone welcome


Raffles, Membership Draw, Lucky Draw and Steeny’s draw are all still happening during January


February Diary Dates


Friday 1st Elusive Joker and  RSA vs New World begins

Wednesday 13th – Housie Starts

Friday 15th – Cocktail Night – Dress up in your finest and come and try our cocktails. Prizes for the best dressed

Sunday 24th Members Roast at 6.00 pm. Bookings to the bar or phone 888 7190


Killer Pool Every Sunday (Except 20 January) – – names in by 3.45 pm – Play starts at 4.00 pm   $5.00 entry – winner takes all



Kitchen re-opens Thursday 10th January. Bar snack are available everyday while the kitchen is closed




Your 2019 membership cards are available for pick up at the bar

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