Welcome to this month’s Newsletter

You’ll notice that we’re now using Mailchimp to send out our emails. This will enable you to share the newsletter via your social media channels, invite others to receive it and much more!

We pride ourselves for being a modern RSA that values our past but embraces our future. We are family friendly and cater for all age groups.

Diary Dates – June

  • Friday 5th – RSA vs New World – 7.30 pm
  • Monday 8th8 ball Drawn Pairs Competition – First round starts
  • Sunday 28thRoast dinner – 5.30 pm.  Note: New time for the winter months
  • Killer Pool every Sunday – Play starts at 4.00 pm – $5.00 entry, registration by 3.45 pm

Feeling hungry – check out our bar menu!

What would you like to see happening in your club?
This could be entertainment, member’s activities e.g. race days, fishing trips, quizzes etc.
Bistro opening hours and menus?

Put your suggestions in the box at the bar!

Tickets on sale from 5.00 pmDraws take place at 6.30 pm:

  • Tuesday – fresh fish (weather permitting!) and hot roast chickens …. and don’t forget the Lucky Number draw after the raffles!
  • Thursday – meat packs and the weekly membership draw
  • Friday – meat packs
  • Don’t forget the Friday Elusive Joker (drawn between 7.00 – 7.15 pm) – Tickets on sale from 5.00 pm Friday only
July on SKY:

Saturday 20th – Maori All Blacks vs Fiji – 7.35 pm
Saturday 27th – All Blacks vs South Africa – 7.35 pm

Welcome To Your Flight
After a bumpy take off, the pilot takes the microphone to give the passengers a warm welcome onto the flight. “Thank you for flying with us this morning. The weather is…”
Suddenly, the pilot starts screaming while he is still on the microphone, “%$@#! *&$%! OH MY $#@&!!!”
The speakers shut off and a ghostly silence falls in the cabin, before the pilot gets back on the microphone and says, “I sincerely apologise for the incident, but I just dropped a very hot cup of coffee on my lap… you should see my pants!” One passenger shouts back, “why don’t you come back here and see ours?!?!”

Our sponsor for the Thursday night Members’ Draw for July is 

Matamata Tyre Service

See you soon at the Clubrooms,
Tricia Hague
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