Diary Dates – November

  • Tuesday 5th – Melbourne Cup – 5.00 pm.  Wear your best Cup outfit prizes for the best dressed. Fish & Chips provided.
  • Monday 11th  – Armistice Day – This will be hosted by Morrinsville RSA, meeting at 10.30 am to be ready for the service at 11.00 am.  Refreshments will be served following the Service.
  • Friday 15th   – Quiz Night Starts at 7.30 pm.  Bangers & Mash from 5.30 pm – $6.00.
  • Sunday 24thChristmas Roast dinner – 6.00 pm – $20 per head.  Last one for the year. Book at the bar by Thursday 21st November.

Important Dates for December

  • Sunday 1stKids Christmas Party – Club opens at 11.00 am.  Don’t forget to bring your kids, grandkids and register at the bar.  There will be Santa, games, bouncy castle and petting farm.  Lunch provided.
  • Saturday 7thMatamata Xmas Street Parade – come along and cheer on the RSA float.
  • Sunday 8th – Spud in the Bucket Competition – Club opens at 10.00 am.  Lots of prizes and fun on the day.  BBQ provided with ice-cream cones for dessert.

8 Ball News

  • Friday 1st  – RSA vs New World – 7.30 pm.
  • Sunday 17th – RSA Drawn Pairs Ham Tournament – Club opens at 2.00 pm with play starting at 2.30 pm.  Names on the board if you wish to play.
  • Killer Pool every Sunday – Play starts at 4.00 pm – $5.00 entry – registration by 3.45 pm

Housie at 6.30 pm every 2nd, 3rd & 4th Wednesday. 

  • Feeling hungry – check out our bar menu


Tickets on sale at the bar or from 5.00 pm on raffle nights – draws take place at 6.30 pm:

  • Tuesday – fresh fish (weather permitting) or meat packs and hot roast chickens
  • Thursday – meat packs
  • Friday – meat packs


  • Tuesday – Lucky Number draw – drawn after the raffles
  • Thursday – Club membership draw – after the raffles
  • Friday – Elusive Joker –drawn between 7.00 pm and 7.15 pm.

Tickets on sale from 5.00 pm Friday only

Ham Raffles start Thursday 31st October – $5.00 per ticket

Builders MixWe are looking for approximately 2 wheelbarrows of Builder Mix to help repair the pot holes in the car park.  If you can help please let Tricia know.

To keep you Smiling


I was driving with my three young children one warm summer evening when a woman in the convertible ahead of us stood up and waved.  She was stark naked! As I was reeling from the shock, I heard my 5-year-old shout from the back seat, “Mummy! That lady isn’t wearing a seatbelt!”


My 4-year-old son, came out of the bathroom to tell me he’d dropped his toothbrush in the toilet.  So I fished it out and threw it in the garbage.  He stood there thinking for a moment, then ran to my bathroom and came out with my toothbrush.  He held it up and said with a charming little smile, “We better throw this one out too then, ’cause it fell in the toilet a few days ago.”


On the first day of school, a child handed his teacher a note from his mother.  The note read, “The opinions expressed by this child are not necessarily those of his parents.”


Sponsor for the Thursday night Members’ Draw for November


Looking for an electrician you can trust? Call us NOW!

P: +64 (07) 888 8245 Matamata     E: [email protected]

See you soon at the Clubrooms, Tricia

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