We encourage the whole family to come along and enjoy our safe and friendly clubrooms.

Diary Dates – January

  • 22nd February  Saturday – 8 ball – Mount RSA vs Matamata RSA – Club will open at 10.00 am play starts at 11.00 am
  • Chief vs Brumbies 7:05pm
  • 23rd Sunday Roast – 6:00 pm (names to the bar)
  • 26th Wednesday– Lunch 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm $15.00 per head 2 courses.
    Book at the bar

New Super Housie

Super Housie Starts on 19 February 2020.

Purchase price for a house will remain the same. One house will be nominated by a player on the night and that house will be worth $100.00.

NB : The membership subscriptions for 2020 are now overdue and payable by 29th February 2020. You MUST be a financial member to attend the AGM on 28 March 2020.

Nominations for committee are now open and close on Friday 13 March at 5:00 pm

AGM: Saturday 28 February at 3:00 pm

Tickets on sale at the bar or from 5.00 pm on raffle nights – draws take place at 6.30 pm:

• Tuesday – fresh fish (weather permitting) or meat packs and hot roast chickens
• Thursday – meat packs
• Friday – meat packs

• Tuesday – Lucky Number draw – drawn after the raffles
• Thursday – Club membership draw – after the raffles
• Friday – Elusive Joker –drawn between 7.00 pm and 7.15 pm. Joker draw will start on Friday 7th February. Tickets on sale from 5.00 pm Friday only

Sponsor for the Thursday night Members’ Draw for February
CENTIGRADE – The Temperature Control Specialists
Phone 07- 888 7345

Member’s Visiting

Do you have some spare time, love talking to people, would you like to help? We are looking for a group of people who would like to be part of a team who can visit members who are not well or who need some assistance. Please talk to Tricia or leave your name at the bar.

New Outside /Upgrade Plans

The Committee is looking at sprucing the outside of the building including putting in a garden/seating area. Plans are up at the RSA. We will be going to local businesses seeking sponsorship/support to fund this project. Any questions please talk to Gary or Gayle Dickson

Vacancy – Club Cleaner

After 22 years service to the club, Danny is leaving. We are looking for someone to take on this role. Currently the position is 3 mornings per week, Monday, Wednesday and Friday for three and half hours each of those days. If you are interested in applying for this, please see Tricia for more information.


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