What a time it is right now! We hope you are keeping well by staying in your bubble during this lockdown period.

While the Club is currently in lockdown and unable to welcome you in for a drink or meal, please know that the President, Committee and Staff are still here for you behind the scenes.


Please be sure you know who you are asking to do your shopping, especially if you are handing over your cash or cards! We’ve been made aware of scammers targeting those in need throughout New Zealand!

Neighbours, family, friends are fine, but please be wary of random people who offer assistance.
We do not like to be negative, given that most will offer help out of the goodness of their hearts, but we do have members of society who will rob one blind in the blink of an eye. And sadly, times like this can bring out the worst in some!

The RSA team should be your first port of call if family or neighbours cannot assist. 

The RSA team have been approved as a priority shopper at New World so we are able to assist you.


  • Do NOT hand over your eftpos card and pin number to ANYONE.
  • Do NOT hand over your credit card and details on the reverse such as expiry and CCV.
  • Do NOT give your cash to a stranger.
  • Email your shopping list, full name, phone number and street address to: [email protected]. If you don’t have access to an email, please call Gayle on 021-2817699 or 8888-529.
  • We will check the New World website for pricing and email you back an approximate amount and a bank account number – it is an approximate amount as sometimes we have to substitute products, or skip them completely due to non-availability.
  • If you have access to phone or internet banking, you can then transfer the quoted amount to the supplied bank account.
  • We will then complete your shop the following day, subject to demand, and deliver to your door.
  • We will NOT enter your property. We will leave the bags at the door, and then wait in the car until you have emptied out the shopping and put the bags back at the door.
  • There will be absolutely no contact between the shopper and you at any time whatsoever, and no exchange of money or cards.
  • If you do NOT have internet or phone banking, we are able to accept cheques.
  • We prefer to use Internet banking to receive funds and we shop with a traceable credit card for your protection and ours.

You may be relying on Government top-ups and subsidised wages during this lockdown. If you are desperate for grocery shopping, but have no means of payment, we have been offered a solution by the Salvation Army. Please call Gayle on 021-2817699 or 8888-529 to discuss this option.

The Salvation Army offer is open to ALL members of the public, so if you personally know of someone who is struggling to afford their groceries right now, please let Gayle know how to reach them!

Be wary. Be safe. 
Stay healthy. Stay home if you are over 70 or in ill health.
Together we can and will beat this virus.

The Club will soon be back … bigger, better and stronger than ever before, and we look forward to welcoming you all in for a celebration to be remembered when that times comes!

All the best for now,Gayle
Club Manager/Secretary
CLUB WEBSITE: www.matamatarsa.co.nz
INTERIM PHONE: 021 281 7699
CLUB FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/matamatarsa/

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