Well, it seems we are still staying in Level 4 of lockdown for another wee while longer, which is horrid news for all of us! There’s little to do, though, except keep our spirits up, knowing that sooner rather than later, we will all be able to share a tipple or meal at the Club again!


Our team have put in quite a few hours, attempting to reach every single member by telephone to check on the well-being of every one of you. We remain at your disposal for a call or email if you’re feeling down, stuck for any information, or need help with anything at all.


Our team are still offering a shopping service for any members who should NOT be going out, either for groceries or to the pharmacy!
Simply email: office@matamatarsa.co.nz or call Gayle on 07-8888529 / 021-2817699


Gary and I were shocked and amazed to be nominated for and to win, the first Seven Sharp Lockdown Good Sort award! Speechless about sums it up.

For those who didn’t spot it in the NZ Herald last week, and didn’t see the television coverage, here’s a link to the VIDEO on the ASB Bank Facebook page.

Yes, given that we’re still in Level 4, there are to be no public ANZAC services again this year. We know this is devastating news, disrupting services for two years in a row!  However, RSA National has asked that we all stand at the end of our driveways in place of dawn parade, as a sign of respect.

Tune into Radio NZ National (AM & FM frequencies), listen live on the internet or on your phone (download I HEART RADION app and then search for Radio NZ National) for the official dawn service broadcast commencing at 6:00 am.

Veterans are encouraged to wear their medals just as they would for the official public gathering. The morning service includes…

-The Last Post
-Ode of Remembrance in Te Reo & English
-National Anthems
-Address by Hon. Ron Mark, Minister of Defence / Minister for Veterans

Let’s show the world our support!


Cooper’s Run, our very popular local band, have created a wonderful tribute song: BOYS OF THE ANZAC. We have posted it on our Facebook page, and you can also see the video and hear the song by CLICKING HERE. Thank you, Ashley and Michael Tipping, as well as young Mikaela! xx


We have been running a very popular competition on our Facebook page asking folk around the district to show their ANZAC spirit by decorating their homes in some way, shape or form. The entries have been delightful with new pics coming in daily, from kids and adults alike.

Get in the spirit – hang some poppies, put out a white cross or two, fly the flag …. Let’s show the rest of NZ just how ANZAC-Proud Matamata truly is. Send us a pic of what your display is, either by MESSAGING us on our Facebook page, or by EMAILING it in.


Another disappointment is the cancellation of Poppy Day collections nationwide. That said, while out and about, I have been asked on numerous occasions how folk can donate. Gratefully accepted donations can be made to our bank account :

Matamata RSA

Be wary. Be safe. 
Stay healthy. Stay home if you are over 70 or in ill health.
Together we can and will beat this virus.

The Club will soon be back … bigger, better and stronger than ever before, and we look forward to welcoming you all in for a celebration to be remembered when that times comes!

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.
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