26th July – Sunday – Monthly Roast. 6pm start.

1st August – Saturday from 10am – Spud in the Bucket collection

7th August – Friday – RSA vs New World 8-ball

14th August – Friday – 7.30pm – Trivia Night

15th August – Saturday – Country Hoe Down – run by the Country Music Club, but a portion of door sales goes to the RSA. Limited menu on offer, bar open. $10 per person.

16th August – Sunday – Country Music Club

22nd August – Saturday – Dinner Dance – celebrate the Club’s 50th Anniversary at Ngaio St. Casual dress. Live Music. $25pp. Bookings essential.

28th August – Friday – Daffodil Day

29th August – Saturday – Curling Cup – another Anniversary celebration. Teams of 4 – $20pp. Support your club, do something different, have a load of fun! Bookings essential.

30th August – Sunday Roast – Father’s Day theme. 6pm; $20pp. We can offer a vegetarian option for $15pp – bookings essential.


  • Rock ‘n RollStrut your stuff or learn a few new moves. All ages and levels welcome. Every MONDAY night. Be here by 6.30 for a 6.45pm start. $2 per person.
  • Indoor BowlsSocial games for fun and companionship. All levels welcome. 1pm start every MONDAY. Tea, coffee, biscuits available for a gold coin donation.
  • 500 ClubCard whiz? Beginner? All welcome. Every TUESDAY at 1pm. Tea, coffee, biscuits available for a gold coin donation.
  • Housie – Play starts a 6.30pm sharp every WEDNESDAY (except 1st Wed of the month!)
  • Killer Pool –  Every SUNDAY. Names in by 3:45pm. Play starts at 4:00pm. $5 per person. Winner takes all.
  • Elusive Joker –  Every FRIDAY. Sales from 5pm – drawn just after 7pm. $1 a ticket. You must be over 18 and present to win!
  • Country Music Club –  Every third SUNDAY.

RAFFLESRaffle tickets on sale from 3pm daily at the bar. Draws take place from 6.30pm.

  • Tuesday – hot roast chickens + vouchers; Lucky Number Draw
  • Thursday – Meat packs; Club Membership Draw after raffles (you must be present to win!)
  • Friday – Meat packs

POKER CLUBA few members are keen to start up a Sunday afternoon poker club. If this is of interest, please let Gayle know.

BIRTHDAY VOUCHERSWe will no longer be posting these out each month. Instead, a list of names will be published in the newsletter each month, and this list will be available at the bar. Simply mention to the bar staff that it’s your birthday and you’ll still receive your free soft drink, handle of beer, or glass of wine.

CHEQUESAs you may know, all banks are slowly phasing out the use of cheques. By July 2021, cheques will be a thing of the past. For this reason, we are asking members to please start adopting alternate measures now, so that you have things in place and are well prepared for the transition! Visit your bank or give them a call to talk you through alternative means of payment that you may require.

OPENING HOURSWe are once again trading 7 days a week from 3pm! Please show your Club support by visiting at this time, as failure to do so may result in us opening later again!

ROAST COSTSIt was lovely to see so many of you for our Mid-Winter roast, and we’re looking forward to seeing you all again on the 26th of July. Sadly it was a little disappointing to note the number of no-shows on the night. We do understand that things come up, but a quick call or email to the office would help alleviate empty spaces at tables.

On another note, we unfortunately have to consider raising the costs of our roast meals due to the continually increases in the cost of meat. The committee are discussing this at present, but it’s only going to be a couple of dollars per head at most!

Sponsor for the Thursday night Members’ Draw for JULY is:

ACTION AUTOMOTIVE    |    T: 880 9609   |    17 Rockford Street, Matamata


  • Veterans/Welfare: Would you like to be part of a team who visits members who are not well or who need some assistance. Please leave your name at the bar or office for us to pass onto Tricia.
  • RSA National Bowls Tournament: We are in need of volunteers to assist with the planning and running of this major event on the RSA calendar. The tournament takes place in March 2021, and there can be up to 200 players from around the country! This can be a huge money earner for the Club if handled correctly.
  • General Maintenance: We’d like to build up a register of people who are willing to attend to odd jobs around the club. Are you a woodworker, plumber, mechanic, etc? Let us know your skills, how we can best reach you, and when you are available. We’ll add you to our register to call on as required.
  • Shuttle Van: We are currently investigating a shuttle van for members’ use. To run this successfully, we will need a roster of volunteers willing to drive the van – please talk to Gayle.


Remember that this is YOUR CLUB. If you have some suggestions on events to run, things to do etc, please talk to Gayle. It’s always easier if you pop your suggestions into the office in writing or send an email.


To ensure that games like Plumbo and Slotto run smoothly, we have posted rules alongside each board, effective 1st July. Please make sure you have read them.


Watch for announcements on our brand new game where you can win free drinks, free meal vouchers and, yes, even cash! We will be launching this shortly!


As you all know, the Club celebrates 50 years at the Ngaio St premises during August this year. Your committee and management are planning events such as the Matamata Curling Cup and a Dinner Dance (casual dress!). Your support is required for these events so that they do NOT end up running at a loss! Registration forms for both events are on the bar.


We’d like to offer MASSIVE THANKS to our sponsors for the Spud in the Bucket competition this year! Without them, the competition would look a whole lot different.

  • Daltons, who are known for “keeping New Zealand growing”, have kindly donated all the bags of potting mix.
  • PGG Wrightson, who are “helping grow the country”, have kindly donated all our seed potatoes.

Please support these wonderful local businesses!



Two elderly women

Two elderly women were eating breakfast in a restaurant one morning. Ethel noticed something funny about Mabel’s ear and she said, “Mabel, did you know you’ve got a suppository in your left ear?”
Mabel answered, “I have a suppository?”
She pulled it out and stared at it. Then she said, “Ethel, I’m glad you saw this thing. Now I think I know where my hearing aid is!”

See you at the Club!

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