An important update for members, guests and visitors – August 2020

We are taking on COVID-19 (Coronavirus) seriously, and as a result have implemented the following measures to ensure safety and wellbeing of our staff, members, guests and visitors. Our primary concern will be to protect people, ensure our obligations under the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 and to maintain our duty of care to our staff, and to persons on, or seeking to visit our premises.

  • All persons who have returned from overseas within the last month, or been in contact with people who have returned from overseas will not be permitted to enter the Club premises.
  • All persons whose place of employment, education or socialisation that has been closed due to a confirmed case of COVID-19 are not to enter the club.
  • All persons who experience or show signs of COVID symptoms are not to enter the Club. These include fever, cough, sore throat, tiredness and shortness of breath.
  • We encourage all staff, members, guests and visitors to practise good hygiene at all times.
  • The Club has increased signage within the venue to inform staff, members, guests and visitors of good hygiene practices.
  • The Club’s staff will be discouraged from engaging in personal contact, such as the shaking of hands with fellow staff, members, guests and visitors. Please do not take this in any other way than as a preventative and control measure to help prevent the spread of viruses.
  • We do not offer contactless payment (Paywave) at the Club, but we are cleaning the Eftpos pin pads at regular intervals.
  • The Club is also instituting frequent sanitisation of “high touch areas” including bathrooms, door handles and buttons.
  • The Club will continue to monitor the advice of authorities and implement advice accordingly.
  • Hand sanitiser is available at the main bar and at the main entrance. Please make use of this sanitiser anytime you like.
  • While onsite at the Club, staff, members, guests and visitors are encouraged to practise good personal hygiene including:
    • Cleaning your hands regularly for at least 1 minute with soap and water or use an alcohol-based hand rub.
    • Cover your nose and mouth when coughing and sneezing with a tissue or flexed elbow.


We are operating under the Three S’s ….. patrons to remain SEATED, food and drink to be SERVED at your table, SEPARATION where possible at 1metre.

You may only stand for the three P’s …. Pay, pee and play 8-ball.

On the subject of 8-ball … only those playing may be in the vicinity of the tables. Everyone else to remain seated. Cues, balls and table rim should be sanitised after each game.

Slotto, Plumbco are on hold. These will be carried over to when we can operate under Level 1 or lower again.

Meat raffles and Elusive Joker tickets will be sold to you at your tables – remember, please remain seated.

The Bistro will remain open but all patrons are to remain seated. Your orders for both drinks and food will be taken at your table. Cutlery etc will be delivered to your table with your meals. You may pay at the designated pay stations, but please keep social distancing (1metre) in mind.

Numbers are limited to 100 people within the club (excluding staff) – if you don’t want to be turned away, it would pay to book for Thursday, in particular.

At this stage, the Club remains open and fully functioning. Should an event need to be cancelled due to changing circumstances, we shall post notices on our website and on our Facebook page – please monitor these on a daily basis!

Our Facebook page:

If you have any questions, please seek to liaise with our Club’s management. Further updates may follow.

Yours faithfully



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