Adjuncts & Groups

8-Ball / Pool
A very strong adjunct that we are extremely proud of.
Club Nights are Wednesday and Saturday from 3pm.
ALL TABLES ARE FREE PLAY – but adjunct players get priority at all times.
Regular in-house, inter-club and regional competitions!
Enquiries re games, comps and visits to Wendy Gibbins on 027 536 5389

500 Club Cards
A growing number of players who meet every Tuesday from 1pm. All welcome.
Contact Barry Green, 027 226 3112

Indoor Bowls
A social group who play every Monday at 2pm. All welcome.
Contact Terry Walter, 888 9400

The boards are there and we’re looking to set up an adjunct and regular club nights. Interested players should please contact Gayle in the office, or Barry Green on 027 350 0390

Run by Lauren Siemelink, 0210 225 7855
Regular Monday and Wednesday sessions at 9am.

Lawn Bowls
On the green between the RSA Clubrooms and the RSA Flats.
Contact John McKee for further information, 0272803236

Country Music
The Matamata Country Music Club meets monthly on a Sunday.
Please check their separate Facebook page for details of club days, concerts and more!

Fishing Club
Our club runs fishing trips away as often as we can. There are a few keen fishermen who would like to set up an adjunct. There is a sheet on the black table in the club to add your name if you’re interested.

Line Dancing / Rock ‘n Roll
Contact Annie Bourne, 0277807585

Predator Free Matamata
Contact Martin 027 514 5406

Meets 2nd Thursday of each month. For further information call 888 8496

Need a space to host your group or collective?
Speak to Gayle in the office!
T 07-888 7190 or EMAIL


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